Below is an inventory of our more major quality equipment used at Hansen Engineering along with a description of its capabilities. Hansen Engineering is Source Delegate with The Boeing Company.

Leica AT901MR Laser Tracker
164 Ft. Measurement Volume
With T-Cam MR & T-Probe2 Systems
Windows PC w/ Verisurf and PC-DMIS
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.19
With T-Cam MR & T-Probe2 Systems
Windows PC w/ Verisurf and PC-DMIS
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.19

DEA “Global Advantage”
Direct Computer Control CMM
Travel (X) 158.00″ (Y) 79.00″ (Z) 60.00″
With Renishaw PH10MQ/TP200 Probe System
Windows PC w/ Tutor & PC-DIMIS Inspection Software
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.1
Climate Controlled Environment
Travel (X) 158.00″ (Y) 79.00″ (Z) 60.00″
With Renishaw PH10MQ/TP200 Probe System
Windows PC w/ Tutor & PC-DIMIS Inspection Software
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.1
Climate Controlled Environment

DEA “Gamma”
Direct Computer Control CMM
Travel (X) 80.00″ (Y) 40.00″ (Z) 40.00″
With Renishaw PH9/TP2 Probe System
Windows PC w/ Tutor & PC-DIMIS Inspection Software
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.1
Climate Controlled Environment
Travel (X) 80.00″ (Y) 40.00″ (Z) 40.00″
With Renishaw PH9/TP2 Probe System
Windows PC w/ Tutor & PC-DIMIS Inspection Software
Calibrated per ASME B89.4.1
Climate Controlled Environment